Another two-day workshop about microcontrollers, soldering and Tinusaur

Another two-day workshop about microcontrollers, soldering and Tinusaur

There was another “Microcontrollers, soldering and Tinusaur” workshop in our town of Veliko Tarnovo, a few days ago. On the first day, we assembled some boards, the second day we wrote some programs. For the younger kids, there were much simpler things to do – soldering blinking LED with 2 transistors, a few other components, and … Read more

Assembling Guide

This a short guide about how to assemble the Tinusaur Board. Tinusaur Board The Tinusaur Board is what the Tinusaur project is built around. It is rather simple PCB with a dozen components on it. The board is easy to assemble and does not require very special skills or instruments. IMPORTANT: If you are uncertain … Read more

Small changes on the board

Some of the people who received the Tinusaur Starter kit wrote us that it isn’t that easy to figure and remember how to put and use the 2 small 2×1 headers for the external power and the battery on/off. So, we decided to make a small change – have those in different colors. PS1 (external power … Read more

Pros and Cons

Is there anything special about this board? No! Absolutely nothing. Even though the Tinusaur is a very simple thing it has its advantages as well as disadvantages that need to be addressed. It is a platform that is simple and easy to understand for everyone – perfect for a quick start and in learning how to create things. … Read more

All parts and boards arrived

Tinusaur PCB boards by OSHPark

Dear friends, I’m glad to inform you that all the parts and the boards finally arrived. So we’re ready to offer the Starter Kit to those that are interested. Boards were produced by OSHPark – they look great, as usual. We also received a small batch from SeeedStudio – cheaper but still looks good. We are … Read more

February: Quick update

Tinusaur Project Milestones

This is quick update for what is happening in the lab. The design of the board is pretty much final. We consider this as release candidate marked as RC1 – it probably won’t change much or not at all. It is available on at this address: You can order the PCBs there or if you prefer … Read more

The Tinusaur boards are now available for purchase from 3rd parties

Tinusaur PCB from OSHPark

The design of the board will not change very much so the prototypes should be considered useful. Boards are available for purchasing from the following 3rd parties: OSH Park – Tinusaur Proto v0.1 m2. – Tinusaur Proto v0.1 m2. When you go to these websites look for the link for ordering boards. This information will be permanently … Read more

The Tinusaur Board Designing Principals

In this post are discussed some of principals used while designing this board. Size and form factor The goal of making this board is not to have a smaller or the smallest PCB that runs on ATtiny. The goal is to have a board that could be used for prototyping simple projects as well as … Read more