Almost at the end of our Indiegogo campaign

We’re almost at the end of our Indiegogo campaign and as you might be aware there is a delay in the production of the kits.

At TINUSAUR we strive to achieve the higher quality of the products. Unfortunately, while making the PCBs, the most important part of our boards, and working with some new suppliers, we were not happy with the quality of the production. Luckily, the great guys at OSHPARK jumped in and helped us get the PCB we need at the cost we could afford to keep the price points of our product low and affordable.

Good news – all the PCBs arrived a few days ago. We’ve assembled few pieces of them to make sure everything is fine and, with the exception of few minor glitches, all is good and ready to go.

Tinusaur Board Assembled

This week we are packaging the broads and the components.

Next week we will start shipping the first batches of kits to the supporters.

1 thought on “Almost at the end of our Indiegogo campaign”

  1. Hello! Is there any work when the kits might are going to be shipped out? Thank you! Eagerly awaiting it!


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