All parts and boards arrived

Tinusaur PCB boards by OSHPark

Dear friends, I’m glad to inform you that all the parts and the boards finally arrived. So we’re ready to offer the Starter Kit to those that are interested. Boards were produced by OSHPark – they look great, as usual. We also received a small batch from SeeedStudio – cheaper but still looks good. We are … Read more

February: Quick update

Tinusaur Project Milestones

This is quick update for what is happening in the lab. The design of the board is pretty much final. We consider this as release candidate marked as RC1 – it probably won’t change much or not at all. It is available on at this address: You can order the PCBs there or if you prefer … Read more

The Tinusaur boards are now available for purchase from 3rd parties

Tinusaur PCB from OSHPark

The design of the board will not change very much so the prototypes should be considered useful. Boards are available for purchasing from the following 3rd parties: OSH Park – Tinusaur Proto v0.1 m2. – Tinusaur Proto v0.1 m2. When you go to these websites look for the link for ordering boards. This information will be permanently … Read more

The new prototype PCBs just arrived from OSHPark

Tinusaur PCB

The new prototype PCBs just arrived from OSHPark – great quality as usual. I noticed that there are only few things that I may change before call it official: slightly move some components around so they fit better and become easier to solder; add one jumper for switch on/off the optional button cell battery on … Read more