The Tinusaur name in its “Tinusaur” or “The Tinusaur” form is a trademark of Neven Boyanov and the Tinusaur team.

The Tinusair Logo and its variations are the property of Neven Boyanov and the Tinusaur team.
The name and the logo cannot be used on derivative products and projects without written permission.
The design of the schematics is open-source work covered by a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike (CC BY-SA) license.
The design of the boards is open-source work covered by a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike (CC BY-SA) license.
The text of the license can be found at this address: Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0.
For derivative work it is permitted verbiage like “Tinusaur Compatible” or similar.
If you find the above statements unfair, please do not hesitate to contact us.