At the end of May 2023, the last of the series of free-of-charge electronics and programming workshops organized by the Tinusaur Foundation as part of the Vivacom Regional Grant project was held.
It’s time for a reckoning for our joint project with Vivacom Regional Grant.
8 small schools in the municipality of Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, had the chance to delight their students with an incredible experience in the world of robotics and programming. The Tinusaur team, together with the founder of the Tinusaur Foundation – Mr. Neven Boyanov, visited the schools in the village of Vodolei, the village of Resen, the town of Debelets, the village of Tserova Koria, the town of Kilifarevo, the village of Samovodene, the villages of Balvan and Ledenik. They had a chance to meet with the principals, some teachers, and many parents who showed interest in this initiative.
Each workshop lasted for about 4 astronomical hours and was held in one of the specialized classrooms in the school, and each child received an individual Tinusaur Kids.Micro kit with boards for soldering and programming worth BGN 50.
As part of the project, 60 children had the opportunity to successfully assemble and program their miniature computers and develop their science, technology, engineering, and mathematics skills. We managed to provoke the interest of many students who could not participate in the workshops but were present and watched with interest what was happening.
This was the goal of our joint project with Vivacom Regional Grant – to reveal the potential of children, to give them confidence that they can create and develop, and to motivate them to immerse themselves in the world of science, electronics, and programming.
About the Tinusaur Foundation:
For Vivacom Regional Grant: