This is quick update for what is happening in the lab.
- The design of the board is pretty much final. We consider this as release candidate marked as RC1 – it probably won’t change much or not at all. It is available on at this address: You can order the PCBs there or if you prefer from OSHPark at this address:
- We have a shield-like proto board now, very preliminary design. It will allow you to solder some components on it and then put it on top of the Tinusaur Board – very much like any other shield-like board. It is available on OSHPark at this address:
- All the parts for the Tinusaur Starter kit were ordered from our suppliers. We hope everything to be in our office (most of them already arrived) by the end of the month. Will post more information about it here and on our Twitter/Facebook/etc.
- The boards for the Tinusaur Starter were ordered from OSHPark – great quality, no doubt. We also ordered some boards from Seeed Studio to see how’s their quality.
And by the way, our project was featured on OSHPark Blog, here’s the link … Very glad to see that people are interested in this project.
As follow up to our first Tutorial 001 we are planing to put another one – Tutorial 002, probably about how to connect a push-button to the board and receive input from it.