How to Setup the Arduino IDE to Work with the Tinusaur Boards

Arduino IDE for Tinusaur Boards

UPDATE: There is an updated version of the Arduino Setup Guide at our new website This is a short guide how to setup the Arduino IDE to work with the Tinusaur boards. What it does basically is to make it work with the Atmel ATtiny85/45/25 microcontrollers. The only difference is that it will appear … Read more

C Library for ATtiny85 to Work with SSD1306 Controlled OLED Display

UPDATE: Please check the most recent post about this library at /tag/ssd1306xled I recently bought an OLED display 128×64 from eBay ( – very inexpensive (about 4 euro) but when I finally received it I was surprised to see how small it was – I was expecting something that looked more like the Nokia 3310 LCD. So I thought – this … Read more

TinuDHT – ATtiny Library for DHT11

Ever wanted to do a project with that cheap DHT11 temperature/humidity sensor and did not want to go the Arduino way but with a simple ATtiny85? You probably know already about  the issues with the existing Arduino based libraries running on the ATtiny microcontrollers, but can’t deal with them. TinuDHT is our answer to this. TinuDHT is a … Read more

Tutorial 002: Fading LED x1

Another beginners tutorial is on the way – this time about a fading in and out LED. This is simple tutorial that shows how to connect a LED to the ATtiny85 based Tinusaur board and write a program that makes the LED to fade in and out using PWM (pulse-width-modulation) technique. Note: The code in this tutorial does not use the … Read more

WinAVR – Setup Guide

UPDATE: 2022 WINAVR is (or was) a great project. Its most “recent” package is from 2010-01-20. In other words, it is outdated. There are many projects that attempted to replace it but none of them (AFAIK) is extremely popular. We’ve put together a very detailed guide on how to setup everything manually – AVR GCC Toolchain – Setup for Windows. WinAVR … Read more

Assembling Guide

This a short guide about how to assemble the Tinusaur Board. Tinusaur Board The Tinusaur Board is what the Tinusaur project is built around. It is rather simple PCB with a dozen components on it. The board is easy to assemble and does not require very special skills or instruments. IMPORTANT: If you are uncertain … Read more

Pros and Cons

Is there anything special about this board? No! Absolutely nothing. Even though the Tinusaur is a very simple thing it has its advantages as well as disadvantages that need to be addressed. It is a platform that is simple and easy to understand for everyone – perfect for a quick start and in learning how to create things. … Read more

The Tinusaur Online Store Opens

Tinusaur Starter

UPDATE about the online store: (1) Please note that this is the website of the Tinusaur Foundation – a non-profit association for public benefit, and we don’t have an online store; (2) The Tinusaur Boards and related products are offered by another organization, which is a business entity and has a website at Finally, our online store is up … Read more

February: Quick update

Tinusaur Project Milestones

This is quick update for what is happening in the lab. The design of the board is pretty much final. We consider this as release candidate marked as RC1 – it probably won’t change much or not at all. It is available on at this address: You can order the PCBs there or if you prefer … Read more

Tinusaur Starter: We are making a beginners kit

Tinusaur Starter Kit

To start making things with the Tinusaur you need the board, the parts, a programmer with a cable and couple of LEDs to make your first blinking lights program for ATtiny85 microcontroller. We’re ordering the PCBs and the parts from the manufacturers and it seems that the total cost for the full package will be … Read more