On March 20th, 2023 the fourth robotics and electronics workshop was held in the “P. R. Slaveykov” Elementary School in the village of Tserova Koria, which the team of the Tinusaur Foundation is conducting with the support of the Vivacom Regional Grant as part of their joint project.
With this initiative, we aim to prepare children for the challenges of the future, spark an interest in science and encourage them to be creative. By combining learning with fun and acquiring new practical skills, children perceive things in a completely different way. Even seemingly boring and difficult subjects like mathematics become exciting and show them the way to learn programming.
The workshop was held in one of the specialized classrooms in the school, and six children of different ages took part in it. We try to hold these events at a time that is convenient for both students and teachers, as well as parents so that they can also attend and see what their children are creating. Each student receives an individual Tinusaur Kids.Micro kit with circuit boards and electronic components for a total value of BGN 50, and the symbolic participation fee is BGN 5.
The founder of the Tinusaur Foundation – Mr. Neven Boyanov, personally shows the children how to do it and teaches them how to solder with a soldering iron and how to program. Quite often, the teachers are also involved in the activities, as it turned out to be very interesting for them as well. Time passes imperceptibly, and in the end, every child can show they have successfully created their own mini-computer. They get to keep the assembled board as a memory of this exciting experience.
This is also the goal of our joint project with Vivacom Regional Grant – to give children an exciting experience in the world of electronics and robotics and to give them guidance and motivation to develop in the world of technology.
About the Tinusaur Foundation: https://tinusaur.org
For Vivacom Regional Grant: https://vivacomfund.bg