To start making things with the Tinusaur you need the board, the parts, a programmer with a cable and couple of LEDs to make your first blinking lights program for ATtiny85 microcontroller.
We’re ordering the PCBs and the parts from the manufacturers and it seems that the total cost for the full package will be 8 to 9 USD. Once we have everything here we’ll run a small test sale to see what’s the interest in the kit. The estimated cost for delivery of the kit to any country in the world is about 2 USD. So the total cost to get it would be 10 to 11 USD – very affordable for everyone.
Here is a list of everything that will be included in the Tinusaur Starter:
Name | Description |
PCB | Tinusaur Board |
MCU, Attiny85 | Atmel AVR ATtiny85 microcontroller |
Socket, DIP-8 | DIP-8 socket for MCU |
H1, Header | Header 2×4, Female |
H2, Header | Header 2×5, Female |
ISP, Header | Header 2×5, Male, for ISP |
RESET, Button | Tactile push button, for RESET |
Power, Header | Header 1×2, Male, for external power |
Battery, Header | Header 1×2, Male, for battery power on/off |
Battery, Jumper | Jumper, 2-pin, for battery power on/off |
C1, Capacitor | Capacitor 100uF, Low profile 5×5 mm |
C2, Capacitor | Capacitor 100nF, Small |
R1, Resistor | Resistor 10K, Small, 1/8W |
Battery holder | Battery holder for CR2032 |
Battery 3V | Battery 3V, CR2032 |
LED1 | LED, 3mm, red |
LED2 | LED, 3mm, green |
Resistor (LED1) | Resistor 330 ohm, Small, 1/8W, for LED |
Resistor (LED2) | Resistor 330 ohm, Small, 1/8W, for LED |
Header (LED1) | Header 1×2, Male, for LED |
Header (LED2) | Header 1×2, Male, for LED |
ISP Programmer | USB ASP, with 10-pin connector and cable |
Packaging | Packaging bag, plastic |
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