This is an EXPERIMENTAL VIDEO about how to assemble the Tinusaur Board and learn how to solder.
A better version will be available very soon.
This is a short 2-minute video explaining what is the Tinusaur project about, who is it good for and what you could do with its microcontroller and shield boards. The Tinusaur is a small microcontroller board with a tiny chip on it. The Tinusaur board is powered by the popular Atmel ATtiny85 microcontroller. It comes as … Read more
This is an EXPERIMENTAL VIDEO about how to assemble the Tinusaur Board and learn how to solder.
A better version will be available very soon.
This is quick update for September and October. The presentation at Maker Faire in New York ( on Sept. 21st went very well – 80% full of the small auditorium. The Faire itself was terrific. On October 15, as part of the European CodeWeek ( the Tinusaur Project was presented to the students and teachers at one … Read more
This is a oscilloscope-like circuit for the Tinusaur, it is not a real oscilloscope but could be used as a base for one. It is built on top of the Tinusaur board (Atmel AVR ATiny85) and Nokia 3310/5110 LCD (PCD8544 controller). There is also simple preamplifier for the electret microphone connected to the ADC of … Read more