Yes, why not. And here is what I did …
(this will be series of posts about what I did with ATtiny85/Tinusaur and ESP8266 WiFi module)
First, what could be accomplished with such limited device as ATtiny85? It has 8 pins, 2 of which are for the power (Vcc and GND), one for the RESET (pin 1 – PB5), another one potentially for the OWOWOD debugging (pin 2 – PB3) through serial line, so there are 4 pins left: PB0, PB1, PB2, PB4.
ESP8266 module uses UART to communicate so it would require at least 2 pins to work – URxD and UTxD.
There is also CH_PD pin that controls the chip and could power it down.
At first it may look that this takes another 3 pins out but not really.
If we use the CH_PD to disconnect the ESP8266 module we can use the same pins for other purposes like connecting additional I²C devices to the micro-controller. This is what I did.
What are the challenges?
1) There’s no UART on ATtiny85 so I had to write my own that takes advantage on the built-in USI unit. The library is called USIUARTX and will be presented in another blog post. The source code will be uploaded at very soon.
2) There’s no I2C on ATtiny85, not even the TWI (Two Wire Interface, basically I2C) that some other Atmel chis have, so I had to write my own that takes advantage on the built-in USI unit. The library is called USITWIX and will be presented in another blog post. The source code is already available at The BMP180TINY library (Source code at uses it to communicate with an BMP180 pressure sensor.
That’s it for now.
My next post will be about the above mentioned libraries.