This is the Tinusaur Board 3 STD Assembling Guide. It is at the moment in PDF format but the plans are to generate a video and add a voice-over.
The file is located here: Tinusaur Board 3 – Assembling (slides).pdf
(NOTE: File name was changed and link updated here)
We would like to ask you to download it and take a look. If you think that something should be added or changed please leave a comment below this post.
We’re already working on similar guides for all other boards, bundles, and kits.
Looks nice, hare are a few comments on the guide, as requested on Twitter:
1. Slide 10 – It’s better to solder two pins – in the opposite corners by diagonal and check the socket before complete with the rest of the pins;
2. Slides 12-13 – A color code chart could be added for reference (even the resistor is only one on that board);
3. Slide 72 – It would be better to add an arrow pointing the Battery disconnect jumper.
Very nice guide. One of the best I’ve seen. Very clear, very detailed. I would only add links to the website instead of plain text.
Can’t wait for the others.
Thanks a lot for the suggestions. Really helpful.
I will upload today the new version.
There is also a guide for the LEDx2 shield that I will upload today.