UPDATE 2022: The MAX7219LED8x8 library, now renamed to MAX7219tiny has now a new home at tinusaur.com/libraries/max7219tiny. Check also this MAX7219 & ATtiny85 tutorial to learn how the library works.
MAX7219LED8x8 is a C library for working with the MAX7219 driven displays to control an 8×8 LED matrix. It is intended to be used with the Tinusaur board but should work with any other board based on ATtiny85 or a similar microcontroller.
The source code of the MAX7219LED8x8 library is available at https://bitbucket.org/tinusaur/max7219led8x8.
NOTE: The previous location of the page for this project was here: /projects/max7219led8x8/.
Check out these posts about MAX7219LED8x8.