Free PCB

Free Tinusaur Board 4 PCB

Congratulations! 🙂 You’ve got a free Tinusaur Board ver. 4.x PCB.

For a limited time, you could order the parts for your Free PCB at a 20% discount by applying the PARTS20OFF promo code at check out.

Parts List

These are all the parts that you will need to assemble your free PCB.

MCU, ATtiny85, DIPATtiny85 microcontroller
Socket, DIP-8Socket, DIP-8
Header 2×4 FMain board header 1
Header 2×5 FMain board header 2
Resistor, 10KPull-up resistor for the RESET line
Capacitor, 100 nFCapacitor for the power lines
Capacitor, 100 uFCapacitor for the power lines
Jumper header 2×2, MSwitch RST / PB3
Jumper capSwitch RST / PB3
Button, tactile, 2-pinRESET button
Header 2×5 M, shroudedISP header
Jumper header 1×2, MBattery disconnect
Jumper capBattery disconnect
Connector XH2.54-2P, MExternal battery connector, pair 1of2
Battery holderBattery holder for CR2032
Battery, CR2032Coin cell battery, type CR2032

This is what the assembled boar should look like.

If you don’t have the parts available you could always get them from our online store – just look for the Tinusaur Package Upgrade – Free PCB Parts.

If you have trouble assembling the board – contact us.