CARTINU – Small Robot Car, Powered by the Tinusaur – ATtiny85 Board

The Cartinu is a small robot car that you could build yourself. But don’t worry! It isn’t that complicated – this circuit, is so simple, that there are very few things that could go wrong. The “brain” of the Cartinu is the Tinusaur board that is powered by the popular Atmel ATtiny85 microcontroller.

Once your Cartinu is ready you could start programming it.

On the chassis, you have 2 powerful planetary gear motors. You also have 2 infrared proximity sensors on the bottom of the chassis. That allows you to program the Cartinu to follow a black line on the floor.

The Cartinu is part of the Tinusaur project. It is important to mention that the Tinusaur and the Cartinu are an open source project? Both the software and the hardware! You can buy all parts, fabricate the PCBs, and assemble them yourself.

The Cartinu is almost ready for production and is part of the crowdfunding campaign that we are launching on January 22nd 2018.

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More information about the Cartinu will be posted on its page.


3 thoughts on “CARTINU – Small Robot Car, Powered by the Tinusaur – ATtiny85 Board”

  1. Hey there,
    where can I download the specs for Cartinu? Your bitbucket doesn’t show any “Cart”-related things. From the one single picture there exists one can see there’s clearly some shield involved, is it specific or is it a generic one?

    There also don’t seem to be new info on

    What happened?

  2. Hi, scitor,

    There is some code in this repository
    it is related to the MOTOx4 shield that is used with the Cartinu. There is not yet a source code repo with Cartinu specific code.

    There was also site where the schematics and PCB designs of the Cartinu shield we shared but, unfortunately, Autodesk shut the service off several months ago and we now have only screenshots. Not looking for an excuse, of course.

    I will add the screnshots to the shield and Cartinu pages.


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