We are 140% funded and there are only 16 hours left of our Indiegogo campaign.
This would’ve not happened without your support. 🙂
By continuing to support our cause you will help us get even more Tinusaur kits to our students.
Not interested in getting a Tinusaur board? You can donate to the project! Our promise: we will spend the money to bring the Tinusaur boards to even more students … as we’ve done it before.
Neither of those is for you? No problem. You could just share our campaign link https://igg.me/at/tinusaur to your social media channels such like Facebook, Twitter, or whatever you prefer.
Just a quick reminder: After the campaign is over the price of the boards, the kits, and the shipping will go slightly up so now is the best time get a bunch them.
Thanks again for your support.
Great news! thanks for the update