UPDATE about the online store: (1) Please note that this is the website of the Tinusaur Foundation – a non-profit association for public benefit, and we don’t have an online store; (2) The Tinusaur Boards and related products are offered by another organization, which is a business entity and has a website at https://tinusaur.com.
As you may already know, last week, we announced the Tinusaur Shield LEDx2. This is a very simple add-on board that you put on top of the Tinusaur Board. It has just four components: two LEDs and two resistors for each LED – there is not much to solder.
Now we have bundled this with a Tinusaur Board and a USB-ASP Programmer and that is now the Tinusaur Starter 2 kit. Great, isn’t it!
Check the links below for more detailed content information about each of the products included in this bundle:
IMPORTANT: Note that this is a kit, you have to assemble it yourself.
This bundle has its own page at Bundles / Tinusaur Starter 2.
Please, check the Where to buy page to see if the Tinusaur Starter 2 at the The Tinusaur Online Store.