UPDATE: There is an updated version of the Arduino Setup Guide at our new website https://tinusaur.com/guides/arduino-ide-tinusaur-setup/
We have put together a short guide how to setup and use Arduino IDE for programming the Attiny85 microcontroller and the Tinusaur Board in particular.
Note: This guide was tested under Microsoft Windows 8.1 operating system.
Note: The example source code was tested on ATtiny85 microcontroller installed on a Tinusaur Board and programmed using USBasp ISP programmer.
Note: This is not a guide how to use the Arduino IDE but rather how to setup one for use with AТtiny microcontrollers and specifically the Tinusaur.
The guide goes through the:
- Installation of the Arduino IDE.
- Setup the IDE for ATtiny and Tinusaur, adding boards definitions.
- Setup USBasp Programmer, just brief overview.
- Test the Arduino IDE with the Tinusaur, writing blinking LED program.
The entire Arduino IDE Setup Guide is available under the Guides menu.